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the Majority Report

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Lost [TV Review]

May 10th, 2006

This episode of Lost was pretty good. It's the one where John and Eko find the second Dharma station. The monitoring station "The Pearl" of the hatch known as "The Swan." I gotta say, I'm a sucker for old technology. It looked like mid-'60's style televisions, but the Orientation video said "Copyright 1980." Even the videotape they used was old; a U-Matic tape, no less! And there was a late 1980's Apple ImageWriter II printer. (Wow, it's hard to believe that in 1989, most people still used dot matrix printers!) It turns out The Button, as I suspected, was just part of a human behavioral experiment.

Eko raised the issue of one's purpose. Heavy stuff! Almost suggesting that pushing The Button may be a good thing, though it actually serves no purpose. The duo will probably keep The Pearl a secret, allowing all to believe they have a grand purpose on the island. Essentially, they are helping their people 'keep the faith' in The Button. Do I sense some religious parallels?

Anyway, there was a new commercial for Hansorg, the website given was sublymonal.com. And the secret message is "Heir Apparent." Ooohhh! Big deal. Well, I suppose I'll find out what it means soon enough. Last week the commercial had a "paid by ABC" disclaimer, this week it was "paid by Sprite." Maybe Hansorg is a shadow organization paid for by Sprite. That would explain everything! Oh, wait, it explains nothing. Damn, another false lead. Just another way the producers of Lost are deflecting us off the trail of what Hansorg really is.

So as we approach the end of Season 2 of Lost, we have found a second hatch. Two seasons, two hatches. Hmmm. Perhaps by Season 7 we'll find out the terrible secret: A Seventh Hatch! This station will be called "The Seventh Station." Religious parallels abound!


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