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the Majority Report

Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Chronicles of Narnia (spoilers) [movie review]

It's kinda a kids movie, but it does have a Lord of the Rings feel. I read a review (great, a review about a review) that said there was a creepy sexual tension when the Queen spoke with Edmund and fed him Turkish Delight. Hmmm. I'll admit it was a seduction; offering food, warmth, and power. But I doubt the boy had any such feeling, as he was obviously too young to feel it. And the Queen didn't have those feelings about him. She just wanted to tempt the boy into betraying his family so she could maintain her throne. That original review stuck with me, so I had to work that out for my own benefit. Some other details kept me wondering…
In true Disney fashion, no one bleeds. When the Aslan the lion killed the Queen, I wondered: "Did he eat all of the Queen?" Seems like he did, because there was nothing left after he bit her head off. Hmph.
In the end, we see a battlefield full of dead bodies. Lucy first cures Edmund, then happily goes to another dead solider and tries to heal him with her healing potion. I wonder: did she heal all the dead soldiers? And what about the bad guys, did she heal them along with the good guys? Probably not, because they would have started fighting again. Some things are best left a mystery.
I never read the book in school, so I can't compare it. But if you like epic adventures, it's worth seeing. Don't see this movie if you're looking for a sophisticated drama, although it is maturely handled for a Disney movie. Did the movie make me want to read the book? Mmmmmaybe more than before, but I'm not much of a reader. I just hope you are, cuz I like to write.


So here I am waiting to "run out the clock" for the year 2005, and I figure that I've gone yet another year without my own blog. So 3 hours before 2006, the Majority Report is born! Okay, nothing to get excited about yet.